Shrimp City Quick-Dry Hat

Shrimp City Quick-Dry Hat
Shrimp City Quick-Dry Hat
Shrimp City Quick-Dry Hat
Shrimp City Quick-Dry Hat
Product image 1Shrimp City Quick-Dry Hat
Product image 2Shrimp City Quick-Dry Hat
Product image 3Shrimp City Quick-Dry Hat
Product image 4Shrimp City Quick-Dry Hat

Regular price $32.00

The humble shrimp plays a mighty role in the Charleston Lowcountry. It’s a vital part of the marsh food chain, a delicious morsel for man or beast, a livelihood to generations of shrimpers, and, of course, it’s a key ingredient in Lowcountry Boil. So, in homage to the briny little kings of the Lowcountry, we put ‘em high on the crown of a hat—long may they reign!

Product Info:

    • Original artwork design by Paul Puckett
    • 5 panel, pinch-front quick-dry nylon
    • Front rope
    • Salmon/Birch
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