How To Make The Best Boat Beer.

Step 1: You gotta find yourself a boat.

There it is!

Step 2: Get your preferred light lager or pilsner from the local market. Can't be getting bloated out there.

Step 3: Grab a bag of ice. (We'd recommend from the same place as the beer).


Step 4: Beer goes in first. Followed by the ice. 



Step 5: Let 'em chill on the way to the ramp.


Step 6: Launch that boat! Them beers need a good drinkin' now.


Step 7: Grab a cold one.


(With your preferred Flood Tide Co. coozie of course).

Step 8: Grab a few more.


Step 9: There it is, the perfect boat beer. Chilled from a few hours of fish hunting (or catching) and ready to be savored in all it's glory. 


Step 10: Let the boat beer nirvana ensue.



Please boat & beer responsibly!

Flood Tide Co. cannot be held accountable for your crazy shenanigans. Just remember that, okay? We're also not sponsored by Natty Light, but if you can make that partnership happen give us a call.





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