A Fishy Report: Mosquito Lagoon 01/13/19

Another Surf Expo has come and went. It seems like every year in Orlando the beds get less comfortable, the food gets even more fried, and the beer gets ever more cowboy cold. But, one positive was taking the opportunity to find our way down to Mosquito Lagoon and spend some time with our Oak Hill friends. 

After a night of one too many beers and the thunderous rumble of the Artist snoring, we found our way down to the Tailer Park private boat ramp around 8 AM. Paul got out with Larry Litrell, while Ben and I found our way onto the water with Avery Gillett. While the wind picked up in the afternoon, it was about as nice of a day as you can ask for in January. Cool temps in the morning that peaked at 80ºF mid-afternoon. 

We set out and poled a few edges a few minutes from the Tailer Park. As seems to always be the case, Paul & Larry found themselves a nice Lagoon trout and we found ourselves some redfish who thought the fly might has well be toxic waste the way they ran from it! A few great shots, some looks, but no takers. And even so, it's always a special time getting to spend a morning on the water with good friends. 

That being said, I have a serious vendetta against the Lagoon that has yet to be quenched. I guess a trip back down South will be put on the short list once again.

-Lawson & the FTC Tradeshow Caravan

Look for more from the Tailer Park later this week!


[Header photo by Lawson Builder]

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